
Forum move, blog authors, voices project

Forum move
Just in case anyone isn't aware of this yet, the old DigiVom forum at Aimoo has gone broken, so please update your bookmarks to the new wiki forum: http://digitalvomit.wikidot.com/forum:start

Blog authors
If you're reading this as a Digital Vomit member and you're not yet an author on this blog, just email iivix : hirekatsu [a] gmail dotted com, and he can invite you so you can join - there's nothing to lose, and hopefully this blog can become the main DigiVom news source.

Voices project

There's a new collaborative Digital Vomit project running... Find out about it here.


Debut "Placate" release

The first collaborative album from Datarapist and Solypsis is now available from Eardose Recordings. Created under the name "Placate", this new collection is entitled "Derelict" and can be obtained for free download at the link below.
