Yes, the blog is still alive - it was merely resting.
Ther's been plenty happening on the Digital Vomit front, even if we haven't been posting about it here. There's been some new releases and one that's imminent that we're really looking forward to.
New releases
James Miller - Sandpaper Tongue (DVR037 MP3)
…one sick extended track of crunchy distorted aggrotech ebm schranz techno rhythms clocking in at just under 19 minutes.
Various - Everybody Loops (DVR019 MP3)
The follow-up to Keith Hic's 2008 children's compilation is finally here… (suitable for ages 3-5)
Uncivilized & Beytah - Warpflute (DVR034 MP3)
Hardcore, circuit bent rhythmic noise, an assault on the ears with an 8-bit twist
New comer to DV frater hater with his first release-a 20 minute, 15 track, 8-bit death metal chaos ritual that'll leave you feeling weird...
There's also a new EP by Thee Crumb that was mentioned in the post below, so have a look there if you're interested in that.
Everything above is available as a free download.
Coming soon...
Tomorrow, in fact, if all goes to plan is
Something Good Is Going To Happen, the first full-length solo
Jansky Noise album in 8 years. More info and a link when it goes up, the one track that's been made public so far suggests this is going to be well worth getting hold of.
Forthcoming Projects
Currently DigiVom are taking contributions for these three projects. Click on the links, have a read and leave us a message if you feel like getting involved.
> The faster the better
> Colo(u)rs
> Ambient comp
In addition to all that, hopefully there will soon be some news about the physical release of Ruairi McDermott/ROBOstud's 'Soothing Sounds For 22nd Century Factory Workers'
Click here for the full details and to donate.
Look here for regular updates or try the homepage and forum if you need instant gratification.